Смоленская обл., Гагаринский р-н, Гагарин, Советский пер., 2а

Interesting in the city of Gagarin

    Памятник Гагарину

    At the beginning of the 18th century, a small village was founded on the site where the city of Gagarin is now located. The name of this village has not survived to this day. Soon, the noble burghers and merchants erected their estates here.

    The main attractions of the city were: Kazan Church and the pier. Until 1968 the city was called Gzhatsk, in honor of the river Gzhat, which flowed through its territory. In honor of those ancient times, and named our hotel. After the first Soviet cosmonaut conquered the vastness of space, it was decided to rename it in honor of Yu. Garagin, as he was from this place.

    The modern city of Gagarin is the cultural center of the Smolensk region. Most tourists come here to visit the places where the most famous cosmonaut of the planet lived and studied. But this is not the only attraction of the city. There are several eras intertwined here.

    On the streets you can see the wooden chambers and estates of merchants, which have become exhibition museums and are recognized as architectural value. Modern buildings harmoniously intertwined with historical sites. Walking through the city you can appreciate the beauty of the landscapes of local beauties.

    Staying at the hotel Gzhatsk, we recommend to visit:


    Церковь иконы Божьей Матери Гагарин
    Church of the Icon of the Mother of God

    Locals call the church Tikhvin. It was founded in 1841. The temple is part of the cathedral complex, which is located on a hill of the river Gzhat.
    In 1930, the church ceased to conduct worship and liturgy. For a long time, it was boarded up and slowly began to collapse. In 1980, the city authorities decided to give the church the status of architectural value and carry out a complete restoration. Today it houses an art gallery and a local history museum. Location: Central Square.

    Мемориальный музей Ю.А. Гагарина
    Memorial Museum Yu.A. Gagarin

    The memorial museum began its history from the moment of its opening in 1948. At that time it was only one small hall with several expositions on local history. Today it is a large historical complex. It includes: the House of Gagarin’s parents, the Children’s Museum – the club “Games of Yuri Gagarin” and the House of Y. Gagarin in the village of Klushino. Here you can learn in detail about the life of Yuri Gagarin, his achievements, to see the personal belongings of the astronaut and his family. Location: Gagarin Street-74A.

    Дом Ю. Гагарина в селе Клушино
    House Y. Gagarin in the village Klushino

    The locals are very proud that the first Soviet cosmonaut who conquered space came from Gzhatsk. All streets, squares, museums, monuments are dedicated to Yuri Gagarin, his family and an unforgettable feat. It was to perpetuate his name that the house in the village of Klushino was preserved.
    The story is such that it is in this house that the little boy Yura was born. Here the Gagarins family lived during the years of occupation. More precisely in a small dugout near the house. By tradition, before the flight, Russian cosmonauts come to Klushino to drink water from a well near the house. This is considered a blessing from Gagarin himself.

    Музей истории первого полета
    Museum of the history of the first flight

    The opening of the museum of the first manned space flight took place in 2011. This is a modern four-story building, which contains exhibits related to rockets, space, pilots, and everything connected with them. To date, exhibitions are held only two floors.
    The main exhibit was a large globe, with which the installation of Gagarin’s flight around the Earth was created. On the first floor of the museum there are materials that are directly related to the first flight. The second floor resembles a gym. Simulators simulators are assembled here that test future cosmonauts for endurance and prepare for unforeseen situations. In the lobby of the museum, you can buy souvenirs or try food that astronauts take with them on a flight. Location: Lenin Street – 12.

    Дом родителей Гагарина
    House of Gagarin’s parents

    After Yuri Gagarin became famous throughout the world thanks to his feat. The government of the RSFSR decided to give his parents a small house in Gzhatsk. In 1961, the Gagarins family left Klushino. The house had three rooms, they still have kept the warmth and life of the Soviet era to this day.
    In the courtyard, under the big glass cap, the Volga car is set up; Gagarin drove it. The rooms contain all the awards of Yuri Alekseevich and gifts for his parents. The paternal home was the last place the astronaut visited before his death. Location: Herzen Street – 74.

    Руины усадьбы Голицыных
    The ruins of the estate Golitsyn

    All that survived from the Golitsyn estate is a few walls and beamed floors between the floors. The building is located 25 meters from the city of Gagarin. This is the architectural and historical value of Russia.
    Until 1885, the manor was the Golitsyn family estate, and after the death of all the heirs was put up for auction. He often passed from hand to hand, not having a permanent owner. It is for this reason that it quickly collapsed. Everything that has survived to this day reminds more of ruins than the estate of famous noblemen. Location: Samuilovo village.

    Художественный музей
    Art Museum

    In 2016, an art museum was opened in Gagarin. It is located in the estate, which previously belonged to the merchant Tserevitinov. In the halls exhibited paintings by local artists on the nature of the city and the Smolensk region. A separate room is occupied by exhibits on the theme of the Great Patriotic War and the cosmos. Location: Sovetskaya Street – 3.

    Историко–краеведческий музей
    Historical and Local Lore Museum

    For a long time, the Museum of History and Local Lore was located in the church of the Sorrowful Mother of God. Here were collected exhibits telling about the merchant life of the Smolensk region. And after the first flight into space, the museum is one of the first to present an exposition on the theme “Man and space”.
    The staff of the local history museum were the initiators of the creation of the museum complex to them. Yu.A. Gagarin. To date, the church building transferred Smolensk diocese. The museum has been allocated another building, which will allow the local residents and visitors of the city to present new expositions on the subject of the 21st century.

    Здание бывшей земской усадьбы
    The building of the former Zemsky manor

    Before the revolution in the territory of Gzhatsk, the main executive body was the Zemstvo government. It consisted of a chairman and two deputies. The building of the council was located in a two-story merchant manor.
    When in 1917, during the revolution, overthrew the Zemstvo power, the building was transferred to Soviet power. It held a meeting of revolutionaries. The building has retained its original appearance to the present day.

    Дом купца Церевитинова
    Merchant Cerevitinov’s house

    The estate of the merchant Tserevitinov (now an art museum) is a large two-story house with snow-white columns in the halls. For a long time the building was empty, but after its full restoration, the art gallery of the city and the local history museum found shelter.
    During the war with Napoleon, the Kutuzov regiment stopped in the estate. Also, tourists are attracted by shady park alleys with old trees. Many contemporary artists tried to convey on canvas all the beauty of these places. Location: Sovetskaya Street – 3

    Памятное место – «Дворца Петра I»
    Memorial place – “Palace of Peter I”

    In Gagarin there is a memorable place where the monument “Palace of Peter I” is installed. Here began the construction of the city of Gzhatsk and the pier, which transported grain. Peter called her “bread.” In 2012, it was decided to erect a monument to the great tsar on the left bank of the Gzhati River. Location: Lenin Street.

    Церковь Богоявления
    Church of the Epiphany (or as it was called in the old days – Kazan Church)

    According to ancient chronicles, the Church of the Epiphany was built in 1743. During the private warrior was destroyed.
    In 1812, the monks decided to partially rebuild it. Peter I himself donated the icon of the Mother of God for the church. After the revolution, the temple was closed and looted. Under the Soviet regime, in the 80s, the church was given to the Smolensk parish. Location: Gagarin Street – 66.

    Almost all of the objects listed above, you can get around on foot. But the city has developed public transport, so if you want, you can use it. Just go to the first bus stop and the shuttle will not be long in coming.