Смоленская обл., Гагаринский р-н, Гагарин, Советский пер., 2а

Details Hotel Gzhatsk

    Details Hotel Gzhatsk


    1. Full nameLimited Liability Company RusArmStroy
    2. Abbreviated nameRusArmsStroy LLC
    3. StatusSmall business
    4. RequisitesINN 6723021109 KPP 672301001
    Series 67 No. 001428033 05.12.2007
    PSRN 1076723000860
    Series 67 No. 001417377 05.12.2007
    MRI FTS №5 in the Smolensk region
    Rs 40702810343050000151
    Smolensk Russia JSC “Rosselkhozbank” Smolensk
    cv 30101810500000000776
    BIC 046614776
    5. Mailing address215039, Smolensk region, Gagarinsky district, the village of Polichnya,
    6. Legal address215039, Smolensk region, Gagarinsky district, the village of Polichnya,
    8. Statistics dataOKPO 83985594 OKTMO 66608101
    OKATO 66208501000
    OKVED 45.1, 45.2, 45.3, 45.4, 45.5
    9. Hotel administrationCEO
    Martirosyan Lernik Harutyuni,
    based on the Charter
    Chief Accountant
    Martirosyan Lernik Harutyuni
    Contact number: +7(48135)4-11-01

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